Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Blue Worke~Annie Beez Folk Art

From my house to yours!

I'm wishing you all a very happy, healthy and productive New Year, abundant with blessing for you and those you love!

Good morning! 
I am up early this New Years day to pick up the little one from a sleepover and go to church. It is a holy day of obligation for we catholics, which I guess could keep some of us from too much revelry on New Years eve! 
 I haven't been much of an early riser these days, with the boys home from college I find myself up late watching movies with them and such.(we have watched all 10 hours of LOTR on blue ray for example) .

I had a very quiet New Years eve which I thoroughly enjoyed, stitching and watching Jane Austen movies. 
I have been thinking about the new year, what plans I have for Annie Beez Folk Art in 2013 and so forth. I have been putting in the last stitches on the final chart in the Quilty Neighborhood series and am now working on the charting
 and planning the release date.
